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Growing a
Sustainable Future

Our plant selection focuses on California native species as well as drought-resistant cultivars from around the world that are well-suited to local climate and soil conditions. 


Our design philosophy emphasizes sustainable landscape solutions that incorporate principles of permaculture, organic farming, integrated pest management, watershed philosophy (water flow and infiltration through a site), soil enhancement/nutrient sequestration, food forests, rainwater catchment, greywater, green building materials, and more.

With all of these sustainable principles in our tool kit we can design landscapes that provide a net benefit to the surrounding area beyond the human experience. What principles can be implemented on a project are dictated by site appropriateness, and overall landscape goals to meet a clients needs/desires/interests.



With over 15 years of experience working in landscapes, Cassie’s techniques and methods have evolved and grown over time. In the early years it was all about horticulture and habitats, but as time went on her interests and experiences grew to become more focused on the broader picture design and implementation of landscapes. First in edible landscapes, then California native restoration and then transitioning into high end residential design and hardscapes. 

As her everyday work began to transition from implementation to design it became clear that her early love of painting and photography were now incredibly useful skills to her professional work. Cassie utilizes hand drawings, CAD and Sketch UP renderings to illustrate her landscape designs. 

Degrees and Certifications from Sonoma State University

B.S. Energy Management and Design 2010

Sustainable Landscape Certificate 2011

Green Building Certificate 2011



Casandra Chapple-Self

Cassie grew up in the hills of Carmel Valley, CA, where she cultivated her love of nature and dedication to preserving California's natural habitats. Hiking through Garland Park as a child created a foundational love for the local flora and fauna. In her youth she was most passionate about painting and photography. Spending countless hours painting or photographing the beauty of Monterey County's natural spaces. Until one year she followed this curiosity about natural and created habitats around the world backpacking and working on organic farms as she went. She then landed in Sonoma County passionate about sustainability to study renewable energy systems, green building, and sustainable farming and landscaping. Cassie’s deep love of creativity and being outdoors very naturally kept drawing her back into the garden and away from the office or classroom. She always made sure she had a garden to grow her own food, experiment with various cultivation methods, as well as provide the supplies for culinary exploration and floral design which are her other passions.



Cassie worked in solar, natural building design, and landscaping in northern California before returning to Carmel Valley to continue her work in the environmental community. Since returning to the area in 2011 Cassie worked for several wonderful organizations in the Carmel area. 

She spent several years as the Organic Farm Manager and Property Manager for MEarth at the 10-acre Hilton Bialek Habitat restoration and education property. She also worked in Construction Administration and Organic Farm Management for the Santa Lucia Preserve. Then she began working for Bliss Landscape Architecture on high-end residential projects as a Project Manager and Construction Administrator, managing both landscape design and implementation. 


Throughout this time she built so many wonderful relationships with professionals in the community. This solid network of colleagues from landscapers, builders, designers, and other wonderful community members make everything possible. 

After bringing two beautiful children into the world, Cassie felt it was time to strike out on her own and founded Self Sown Gardens in 2021.  Self Sown Gardens is the culmination of all her interests and experiments over the years. Where she hopes all of her broad talents can come to fruition for the benefit of our community. 


Embracing Nature's Intelligence

Landscapes are not static - they grow, evolve, and shift over time - and so should their design. 


Self Sown Gardens embraces nature’s ingenuity to cultivate itself. Beyond formal design considerations, there is an opportunity to play with both structure and movement.

Foundational elements like pathways give structure to the space, but what happens outside of those lines is given room to grow and transition over time. Our designs mimic patterns seen in nature to create beautiful, flowing, biodiverse habitats full of color for people, pets, and pollinators to enjoy.


We strive to listen to our clients' needs and bring those ideas to life in unique and creative ways. The result becomes beautiful outdoor spaces you love spending a part of each day in - enjoying, watching, and engaging with nature.

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