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We oversee the design and installation of your new garden, from start to finish




This is the phase where we build a plan together, exploring your vision for your property and the natural components of the site. We collaborate with you to make your vision come to life, ensuring your new garden is a natural extension of your home.


01 | Consultation

Our process begins with getting to know you, your vision, and your space. We will discuss the desired aesthetic, scope, timeline, and budget for your outdoor area.

02 | Contracts

After the initial design discussion, we will review and sign contracts for our services.

03 | Conceptual Plan

The design begins to take shape during this phase. We develop open concepts that meet the design objectives discussed during our initial consultation. This will be a simple site plan showing where design elements could be located and initial imagery showing the intended aesthetic for the finished landscape.


04 | Initial Review

We will review the conceptual designs together and begin discussing exterior materials for the project.

05 | Preliminary Design

We will continue to build on the conceptual designs and discussions making adjustments as needed and furthering the detail in this next phase. At this phase the drawings typically switch from hand drawings to digital renderings.

06 | Second Review

We meet with you again to review the Preliminary Drawings which typically include Master Site Plan, Exterior Materials, Exterior Lighting, Conceptual Planting Plan, Conceptual details for special features (trellis’, water features, etc.).

After approval of the preliminary designs we will submit any required permit applications to city and/or county offices.

Pending permits or if no permits are required the installation phase can begin running in parallel at this point.





Once the design for your new garden has been finalized, we will oversee the installation of all components, from hardscaping to planting.


01 | Contractor

SSG specs materials and coordinates with the landscape contractor

02 | Initial Work

Initial site work includes rough grading, utilities, and subsurface irrigation.

03 | Hardscaping

Hardscaping, paving, and decks (if any) are installed.


04 | Preparation

Site is prepared for planting including final grading, soil amendments, and plant deliveries.

05 | Planting

SSG will lay out plants with the landscape contractor. Then the plants, surface irrigation, and mulches are installed. 

06 | Walk Through

Two to four weeks after planting, we have a final walk through of the site.


Asked Questions

  • Services are billed as time and material with no mark up on any materials provided.

    Billing is provided at the beginning of the month. Bills are only sent at the beginning of the month after significant milestones have been met. At conceptual, preliminary and final design milestones.

  • We can provide accessories for the landscape furniture, plant containers, material samples etc. On smaller projects when agreeable to the client and landscape contractor I occasionally provide the plant material as well.

  • At this time Self Sown Gardens is a Design only firm. However, we like to stay heavily involved during the installation phase to coordinate with the landscaper to ensure the vision and intention of the design are realized.

    On some projects we stay involved after completion of the project to do quarterly check ins on the growth and well-being of the gardens. We help problem solve and continue to work with the landscaper to ensure the intention of the design carries through into the mature landscape.

  • Yes, SSG is happy to work with your existing landscaper.


07 | Finalize Design

Here we finalize the design development, focusing on Planting and Irrigation Plans and any tweaks from our preliminary discussion.

08 | Final Review

In our final client review meeting we will review the final design together. Final drawings typically include Master Site Plan, Exterior Materials, Exterior Lighting, Planting Plan, Irrigation Plan, and Construction Details and Notes.

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